Patent Theft – Microsoft Vs Ex-Employee – Who Is The Thief?

Inventor: Miko Mullor or Microsoft (disputed)
Invention: Technology to bypass Windows activation process when OS is preloaded

Both Microsoft and Miko Mullor claim to own this invention. Miko Mullor is a former Microsoft employee, who is now the CEO of a company called Ancora. Let us look at both stories:

Miko Mullor’s story

Mullor joined Microsoft back in 2005. Before Microsoft hired him, he told them about his invention – a technology which allowed to bypass Windows activation process when the operating system is preloaded. He also told Microsoft’s lawyers about his company Ancora. He also told Microsoft’s anti-piracy group about his company, before joining.

Before joining Microsoft, he pitched the product to a Microsoft employee. After a while, Microsoft started developing this technology. The person to whom Mullor pitched the product was involved with the development of Microsoft’s activation technology.

In 2007, while still being a Microsoft employee, Mullor started lawsuits against Dell, HP, and Toshiba relating to his patent. Microsoft fired him for this reason. And the company filed a suit against him in retaliation. According to him, “The accusations made by Microsoft are shameful and dishonest”.

Microsoft’s story Continue reading